Interesting People
For me, Bali is full of Interesting People. I have always been captivated by the interactions with everyone I meet in Bali. They are true characters, with every one having a unique story to tell, usually with a big smile.
This is a chance for those without a loud voice to share their stories – who they really are, what they do and their take on life in Bali. It will be expanded and updated as often as I have a chance to conduct interviews and develop a Q&A with the interesting people I meet in Bali. Just click the links below to read about these Interesting People and the fascinating stories they have to tell!
The beach sellers, plying their trade on hot sand, who I sometimes dismissively send on their way with an impolite exchange or shake of the head.
Delivering a takeaway meal for less than a dollar profit, or navigating the busy roads in the hot afternoon sun.
The waitress
Who served a delicious meal with the words “enjoy your dinner”, me knowing full well that they have never had a chance to sit in a restaurant and eat a full plate of food.
The massage lady
Dealing with her 10th customer for the day, putting as much effort and care in as possible.
The driver
The rice farmer
Who sleeps beside his cows or pigs for warmth and prays for favourable weather to ensure a good crop.